“Aside from the inherent limitations in the models themselves, there are important practical considerations. Although CFD software applications have become more widely available and accessible, they remain costly and are often cumbersome to use. Also, the current workflow to create computational models and run various simulations is time consuming and requires a level of technical expertise that is not available to most surgeon.”*
*Frank-Ito DO, Kimbell JS, Laud P, Garcia GJM, Rhee JS (2014) Predicting postsurgery nasal physiology with computational modeling: Current challenges and limitations. Otolaryngol - Head Neck Surg U S 151:751–759. doi: 10.1177/0194599814547497
Problems that every CFD researcher faces on a daily basis
Today it is necessary to combine different software, from different companies and under different licenses in order to perform a complete CFD study.
The need to use different software implies the laborious work of adapting the outcomes and ensuring with extra investment of work and money the correct communication between them.
Getting a research budget off the ground is complicated by the incredible costs of having to acquire several software packages. Not to mention the administration of the licenses.
Most of the software available in the market has been designed and developed by and for engineers, which makes them difficult to learn and cumbersome to use.
The complexity of CFD software and the need to combine outputs from different sources make the figure of an IT specialist unavoidable in any project.
Intangibles are important. Learning one software is not the same as learning four. Speed up your work and your results.
Simple yet extremely powerful.
Technologies simultaneously involved in Flowgy Innovation
Surface & Volumetric Mesh
We have developed and designed Flowgy Innovation focusing on usability and efficiency, reducing complex computer calculations to a single click and automating the most technical processes to drastically optimize work times.